Food Tasting – Year 3 Birch

This afternoon we have tasted a range of foods and organised them into fruits and vegetables. We tried things such as Mango, Strawberries, Sugar Snap Peas, Spinach, Carrots, Banana, Tomatoes, Cucumber and Grapes. We learnt that a fruit comes from a flowering plant and usually contain seeds, whereas vegetables  can Read more…

Year 3 Birch – Computing

Today in Computing we have learnt about online safety and what we should and should not share with people through email. We discussed why sharing our personal details with people we don’t know could be dangerous and why we shouldn’t share them with our friends either.         Read more…

Year 3 Birch – Computing

Today during computing, we discussed the positives and negatives of different ways to send messages (for example: emails, texting, orally). We played Chinese Whispers to demonstrate how it can be difficult to relay a message orally if it goes through lots of people!