Careers Week

This week is St. Luke’s careers week. The school community have pulled together to try and provide as many opportunities for our children to discover the roles they could hold in the future, and how our curriculum subjects can support and inspire them.   Mrs Spears led an assembly to Read more…

Book Fair

Last night was the first night of our book fair for World Book Day. Parents and children from Year R and Year 1 visited the fair yesterday and the rest of the school will have the chance to visit over the next two days.

Nth Term

As part of our route in algebra, Year 6 began to explore nth term and how can use our times table knowledge to help. We explored linear sequences, changing the number we start counting from and how nth term can be seen as our times tables, but adjusted in terms Read more…

Menu Design

Following on from our ‘Farm to Fork’ research session, Year 6 were then tasked with designing a three course menu, using ingredients and dishes that complimented each other. We decided on bruschetta to start, chicken fajita mains and fruit kebabs for dessert. We chose three dishes that are healthy, contribute Read more…

Farm to Fork

As part of our D&T Come Dine with Me topic, we looked at how the ingredients we will be using, make it to the shelves in the supermarket.   We looked at how they are grown, picked, packed, shipped and delivered across different continents around the globe or from within Read more…

Street Art

For our final piece, we were tasked with creating a positive message through street art, applying the techniques we had learnt over the last 6 lessons. We Waldo had to incorporate images into our artwork, and could use any medium we chose. The results were amazing!