British Afternoon Tea

This week we have been learning about Britain. This afternoon, we decided to celebrate by holding a British afternoon tea party with all of the children in Reception. We had finger sandwiches, chocolate chip muffins and scones with jam. We waved union jacks and listened to the national anthem.

Street Party

This week on our last week of around the world, we have learnt all about a England, we have talked about London landmarks, looked at the countries of the UK and discussed the food we eat and our climate. Today we finished our topic with a great British street party, Read more…

St George’s Day

This week we celebrated St George’s Day. It was so lovely to see some children come to school in their Uniform groups uniform. In class we spoke about the exciting opportunities these boys have when being apart of the Cubs uniform group. They told us about the parade they took Read more…

Protest Posters

As part of our history topic, Civil Rights, we have been looking at protests and the balance between safety and freedom as our big question. We looked at global issues and how people protest to make their voice heard. We then focussed on the BLM protests and protest for equality. Read more…