Year 3 Birch – Branching Databases

Children enjoyed playing “Guess Who” with the database pictures they collated. We then used a program where they could create their own branching database, based around their interests. They did really well with this and could think about appropriate questions to create the database.

Animal research

This week in English we have been using the laptops to help us research our chosen animals ready to write a non chronological report. We have a wide range of animals chosen, from mudskippers to gorillas. The children have spent lots of time finding out interesting facts ready to create Read more…

3D Modelling

Juniper have worked so well today using a 3D modelling programme. They worked with 3D images, nets and templates to design a house and log cabin. Everyone thought carefully about what features would need to be included, and even made some ‘pattern fills’ to make the buildings look more realistic. Read more…