Eco Committee
Gardening club – planting plugs
We loved preparing our planter for the vegetable plugs. We planted carrots, beetroot, leeks and sprouts!
We loved preparing our planter for the vegetable plugs. We planted carrots, beetroot, leeks and sprouts!
What a lovely afternoon for planting! We really enjoyed putting these wonderful plants in the front planter in front of school. Mr Singleton and Mr Andrew helped us with this. we can’t wait to do more next week! If you’re passing, please take a look at them!
After noticing high volumes of traffic whilst walking St Luke’s church, Year 6 conducted a traffic survey to investigate how busy the road was outside of school. After some alarming results, the children decided that it would be a good idea to write letters that could be sent to parents, Read more…
We loved running round the garden, looking for colourful, vibrant plants. We have lots of amazing plants still, even in Autumn. We enjoyed clearing away some of the leaves 🍂 and putting them on the compost heap.
Today St Luke’s CE Primary received the Britain in Bloom North West award for the “School Category” and “Involving Children and Young People” category. We are so amazed and extremely thankful for all the children’s hard work! The Eco Warriors, along with children who showed the judges around in Summer Read more…
Today we linked our forest school session with our current RE question ‘Why do some people believe God exists?’. We looked at the beauty of nature and discussed why our natural world could lead to a person being a theist. Some of our children created their own prayers based on Read more…
This week we have celebrated recycling week in year 2 by completing fun activities around recycling. We discussed why this is important and we coloured in a picture to remind us of how we can take care of our world. We then went outside and cleaned up our playground by Read more…
This week was Recycling week, in Maple we discussed what recycling, reusing and reducing meant. We sorted images under the three categories and discussed how we could all be more environmentally friendly. We then designed our own recycling symbol, we came up with lots of brilliant designs!
To celebrate recycling week, year 1 have been learning about what happens to our waste and why recycling is important. This linked in really well with our science topic ‘materials’ in which we have been identifying different materials by their properties. In our enquiry area, children have been using their Read more…
We used the bins to recycle all sorts of different objects today! The children discussed what each object was made out of and then put it in the correct bin.