Literacy Kicks – Editing

During session four of our Literacy Kicks workshops, we looked at the role of a sub editor and how they edit submitted news reports before publishing. We edited a news article about the growth of E-sports. Each session, we focus on a different Paralympian. Today’s was an Iranian sitting volleyball Read more…

Tackling gender stereotypes

This week’s SMSC assembly was about tackling gender stereotypes in careers. KS1 pupils considered what a builder and a florist may look like before meeting Kimberley and her female colleagues who work in construction and then Jonathon a celebrity floral designer. In KS2 children got a peek into some familiar Read more…

Chocolate tasting

During English lessons this term, we are looking at Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Today we tasted different chocolates and collected adjectives to describe the taste. We then created designs for our own chocolate bars ready for writing our own Chocolate stories next week.    

Rush Room opening

On Friday 13th December, we officially opened our outdoor classroom. We have named it ‘The Rush Room’ in memory of our Governor; Councillor Peter Rush. Peter’s family attended the opening and it was blessed by Bishop Mark. We are delighted that not only our pupils at St Luke’s will benefit Read more…

Craft club

Well done to everyone who took part in craft club this half-term. We had lots of fun completing activities such as making Christmas tree decorations, wooden gonks, cupcake decorating, paper aeroplanes and much more. We have had to use, and have improved, many of our essential skills such as listening Read more…

Reception – Stickman

This week, Reception were reading Stickman – we love Julia Donaldson stories and are so good at remembering the jobs of Authors and Illustrators, and what a title and blurb are. While reading stickman, we looked at the different seasons that we might see throughout the story and recognised signs Read more…