Year 4 Maple visit Heywood Library

This afternoon, Year 4 Maple visited Heywood library. We enjoyed looking through the selection of books and taking some time reading for pleasure. Every child chose a book to bring back to school that were able to stamp themselves. What a lovely afternoon we’ve had!  

Animal research

This week in English we have been using the laptops to help us research our chosen animals ready to write a non chronological report. We have a wide range of animals chosen, from mudskippers to gorillas. The children have spent lots of time finding out interesting facts ready to create Read more…

The Storm Whale

In our English lessons this half-term, Year 1 have been completing writing based on the book ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. As part of our learning, we used the immersive room to experience being on a boat in a storm and we used plot point images to act out Read more…