Stem Club Week 5

This week the children have been thinking about helicopter blades, and how different blade sizes change the way a paper spinner falls. They took on the challenge of trying to help Mr Sycamore…Mr Sycamore arrived for work in a helicopter, amazing the students. He’s testing which helicopter is best. Can Read more…

Stem Club Week 3

This week the children in Stem Club have been thinking about dinosaurs. We discussed what we know about them and what different dinosaurs look like. We then designed and made models of different dinosaur shapes. We thought about the size, shape and weight of them and how each dinosaur would Read more…

Stem Club Week 2

This week at Stem Club we’ve been thinking about weights, forces and measures. We set ourselves the challenge of building a bridge from 5 sheets of A4 paper to see how much weight it could hold. We all built different models and tested them to see how much weight they Read more…


In our Science lesson this week, we’ve been learning all about magnets. We know that magnets are objects that have a north and south and pole and that can attract/repel other magnetic materials, that two of the same poles (e.g. north and north) attract each other and two poles that Read more…


Last week, Year 5 Juniper started their new topic in science on magnetism. Today we learnt all about magnets, when they were discovered and how they work. We even learnt that magnets were first found as objects called lodestones! We took part in an experiment to test how magnets attract Read more…

Signs of winter

As we are currently studying the topic ‘weather’ in Science, and ‘Hot and Cold places in Geography’, we took the opportunity to wrap up warm and head outdoors to explore the changes created by our recent , very cold, snowy and frosty weather. We looked closely at the frost and Read more…

Science Show

On Wednesday afternoon, Years 5 and 6 were visited by Adrian Bowden for an Electricity Science Show. The show started with static electricity and demonstrated some amazing experiments the children could carry out at home. There a was a particular focus on cells, bulbs, buzzers, switches and whole circuits which Read more…