Our Recent Blog Posts

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World Book Day

Year 2 had so much fun dressing up with the theme ‘careers’ and they all looked amazing. They worked really hard to write a set of instructions on how to make the perfect… nurse, vet, Read more…

Length and Height

In this lesson, children estimated and measured a range of objects, using metres as a unit of measurement. They measured things outside in the playground and around their classrooms. They then went into the hall Read more…

Electrical Circuits

In science this half term, Year 5 Juniper are learning all about electrical circuits. We have learnt about the different components that can be contained within a circuit, why each part is important and the Read more…

CV Writing

As part of our careers week, Year 6 used our subject careers posters as inspiration when discussing future careers they’d like to pursue. We then also looked at the subjects that would support us on Read more…

Poetry workshop

Today year 3 joined thousands of children across the uk to join in a poetry workshop. We created a nonsense poem and were lucky enough to perform our poem online

en English