Year 5 Pine Trash-ion show

Today was the final lesson of our sculpture and 3d interactive installation unit. We have built on our previous lessons and designs to bring our art work and ideas to life. The children worked in groups to create their final pieces using recycled materials. The theme of the installations was Read more…

Fractions of amounts

Wow, what a great maths lesson today!!! The children used their prior knowledge of times and division tables to work out fractions of amounts. There was some fantastic mental maths happening and application of prior learning to help them to master the skill of calculating fractions of amounts. Well done Read more…


This week Year 5 Pine had the task of designing installation art work to convey a message. As a class we decided that we wanted to focus on fast fashion and it’s environmental impact. We came up with the idea of designing clothes made from recycled materials as a way Read more…


In our Science lesson this week, we’ve been learning all about magnets. We know that magnets are objects that have a north and south and pole and that can attract/repel other magnetic materials, that two of the same poles (e.g. north and north) attract each other and two poles that Read more…

Science Show

On Wednesday afternoon, Years 5 and 6 were visited by Adrian Bowden for an Electricity Science Show. The show started with static electricity and demonstrated some amazing experiments the children could carry out at home. There a was a particular focus on cells, bulbs, buzzers, switches and whole circuits which Read more…