Easter in Year 1🐣

We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this week. We have learnt all about Easter traditions and why Christians celebrate Easter, made Easter cards, made Easter cakes and had our 500 dojo reward afternoon- watching a film and eating treats. Wishing you all a fantastic Easter!

Year 1 Forest School

Today Year 1 Willows had lots of fun recreating the story of Palm Sunday which they have been learning about in class. They acted it out and got very messy painting different scenes with mud. We also made Lent promises on leaves and did some exploring.

Toys from the past

In history, we have been learning about and comparing toys of past and present. Today, our classroom was set up to look like a toy museum. We used post-it notes to ask questions about the toys and discussed how we thought they were used. We then spent some time playing Read more…