Physical Education
This half term we have been learning how to play hockey. We have been improving our passing and scoring skills
This half term we have been learning how to play hockey. We have been improving our passing and scoring skills
This week we have been using our understanding of shapes and shading to recreate abstract flowers in the style of artist Georgia Okeeffe here are some of our masterpieces
This week we have been exploring future careers. we spoke to people with different careers and were shocked when our guesses weren’t correct around who did what job. we learnt that anyone can any job no matter of gender.
Today we finished our off our day topic around seasonal eating by making a rainbow tart. we really enjoyed making and eating
We popped on some Christmassy music and did our mile around our playground! We absolutely loved it but we were all tired by the end of it!
Year 3 and Year 4 walked up to St Luke’s church this morning for our Christingle service. We spoke about the history of Christingle’s and sang some songs to everybody who came to watch. We finished with ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ which we sang but also signed.
Today we been working on our cooking skills by looking at cutting and chopping vegetables here are some pictures of our progress
This half term children will be having forest school. They had a great first session. Please bring outdoor clothes and a change of shoes on our forest school days
Today we have recreated Stonehenge. we have been using our shading work to create art pieces.