Forest school

In forest school this week Year 3 Cedar have been learning all about The Good Samaritan by sequencing the story and then using the natural forest materials to create artwork. They had lots of fun exploring forest school even in the pouring rain!

Dogs Trust

Today we had a special guest. The dogs trust charity’s came in to work with us about how to be safe around dogs and how to teach others to be safe around dogs. Here are some pictures of our learning.

Coding week

This week is coding week. Coding helps us to understand how programs work and can help us with our problem solving skills. We had 3 problems with our programs which we had to use our skills to help us fix the program.

Welcome to the Stone Age

This week we have been exploring our new topic Prehistoric Britain. We became archaeologists and student ancient artefacts. We have also used our arts and craft skills to create art work inspired by Stone henge. Here are some pictures of our learning.