Black History Month

Today we have read and learnt about the importance of Black History Month. Children were able to recognise some significant people who have made a difference to the world due to their hard work and determination but also played a part in history due to their racial heritage. We learnt Read more…

Roman experience!

Last week, we were lucky enough to experience a Roman workshop. During the workshop, we learnt about Roman life, their amour and created our very own Roman flag. We tried the amour on, which was very heavy! We also had the chance to look at a number of artefacts that Read more…

Blurred Lines

Year 6 have had the opportunity to watch the ‘Blurred Lines’ video and monologue, which explore the issues young people face with regards to county lines.   The children watch a video before completing activities provided, which helps explore everything from unfamiliar vocabulary and terms used, danger signs to look Read more…

Human Machines!

A great first week in Hawthorn! We ended our first week by completing our first scarf lesson based the on ‘me and my relationship’ theme. The children worked  collaboratively in teams to reenact certain scenarios using only their bodies and their voices. This task was to encourage children to work Read more…