
Last week, Year 5 Juniper started their new topic in science on magnetism. Today we learnt all about magnets, when they were discovered and how they work. We even learnt that magnets were first found as objects called lodestones! We took part in an experiment to test how magnets attract Read more…

Science Show

On Wednesday afternoon, Years 5 and 6 were visited by Adrian Bowden for an Electricity Science Show. The show started with static electricity and demonstrated some amazing experiments the children could carry out at home. There a was a particular focus on cells, bulbs, buzzers, switches and whole circuits which Read more…

Hour of Code

In Computing today, Juniper and Pine took part in a coding session for ‘Hour of Code’, which is where millions of students all over the globe celebrate Computer Science Education. The children put their coding skills to the test as they were able to input their codes to create different Read more…


In our R.E. lesson this week, Year 5 Juniper have been learning about forgiveness. We looked at some of Jesus’ parables (Jesus and the Sinful Woman and The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant) to see how Jesus showed forgiveness towards people and the lessons Jesus wished to teach to people. Read more…