Tens and ones

Year 1, have been learning about ‘teen’ numbers. To help us understand, we have been using tens frames to learn about ‘tens’ and ‘ones’. The children worked really hard during their practical lesson and have shown great understanding.

3D Paper Play

In Art this half-term, Year 1 have been working with paper to explore creating 3D art. We have used a variety of techniques to create a range of art work. We have had to use our ‘problem solving’ skills and our skill of ‘staying positive’ to create these pieces.

Signs of winter

As we are currently studying the topic ‘weather’ in Science, and ‘Hot and Cold places in Geography’, we took the opportunity to wrap up warm and head outdoors to explore the changes created by our recent , very cold, snowy and frosty weather. We looked closely at the frost and Read more…


In geography this week, we have been learning about temperature and how we measure temperature. We looked at different thermometers before spending time using digital thermometers to test the temperature in different areas. The children have enjoyed using the thermometers independently during COOL time too.  

Builder Visitor

In Science last half-term, Year 1 learnt all about materials and their properties. This half-term we are using this knowledge for our new topic ‘Building things’. To link with our careers learning, today we had a special visit from Mr Singleton. Mr Singleton is our school site manager and he Read more…