Bluebells Art Week

This week was arts week, we used material to make minibeasts with an artist, we listened to steps and instructions about how to make the minibeasts and did a fantastic job. We also discussed how art is not just about drawing/painting/making, it is how we express ourselves, we then did Read more…


This week Juniper have put together a performance of our African song, ‘Shosholoza’. They have used their voices and some African dance moves to produce an amazing final piece. All the children have done a great job in keeping in time with each other and being precise with their movements. Read more…

Rock n Roll

This half term in Year 4, our new topic for music is Rock n Roll! last week we learnt the famous Hand Jive and this week we have learnt the lyrics to Rock Around the clock whilst also incorporating some of our moves learnt from the Hand Jive! We have Read more…

Brass Performance

Juniper have been learning how to play the cornet. This afternoon they performed all the songs they have learnt to play in front of a live audience! Parents and carers came to watch the children play their cornets. They were absolutely amazing! The class played 5 songs: Cha,cha,cha, Boogie Shoes, Read more…


During the Spring term, Year 4 have been learning to play the violin with Rochdale Music Service. We have really enjoyed learning something new. Take a look at the pictures showing us in action!  

Can you play the cornet?

This half term Juniper are learning to play the cornet. What a great start they’ve had! There’s been some excellent technique used to blow through the mouthpiece and create musical notes. Each week they’ll build on their skills and hopefully be able to play a tune by the end of Read more…

Willows Shared Learning

Today, we welcomed our adults into school for our shared learning and lunch. The children were very excited to show our learning and take part in an activity with them. As we have been learning about seasons this half-term, we performed our seasons song and showed them our English books, Read more…

Wiggle Worship

This morning, Wiggle brought us another Bible story about Nehemiah, ‘Nehemiah leads the way’. In the story, the people were celebrating building the city of Jerusalem and took part in a parade along the city walls to praise God. We discussed how the people were showing Respect and thanks to Read more…