Our Recent Blog Posts

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Y5/6 Dodgeball Winners!

Well done to our Year 5/6 dodgeball team who came in first place. It was great to see new faces representing school for the first time and picking up a medal and trophy too!  

Christingle Service

This morning Year 5 went to church for our Christingle service. Everyone was absolutely amazing at singing and telling the story of Christingle. There were some beautiful singing voices and great participation.


This morning we have made our Christingles ready for the service at Church tomorrow. We learnt about the different parts of a Christingle and what they represent: Orange – the world Red ribbon – Jesus’ Read more…

Meet the Doodlers

This half term we will be creating our own ‘Doodlers’ using electrical circuits. In todays lesson we have investigated the ‘Doodlers’ and by taking them apart and trying different ways of reconstructing them. We investigated Read more…

Physical and Chemical Changes

Today we have been comparing physical and chemical changes. We recalled our knowledge of what a physical and a chemical change is. We investigated the similarities and differences between the two and how we could Read more…


Today we have been encouraging our reading for pleasure. We have been challenging our reading skills by reading some complex stories but we have really enjoyed reading,reviewing and sharing them with our friends