Signs of winter

As we are currently studying the topic ‘weather’ in Science, and ‘Hot and Cold places in Geography’, we took the opportunity to wrap up warm and head outdoors to explore the changes created by our recent , very cold, snowy and frosty weather. We looked closely at the frost and Read more…

Rush Room opening

On Friday 13th December, we officially opened our outdoor classroom. We have named it ‘The Rush Room’ in memory of our Governor; Councillor Peter Rush. Peter’s family attended the opening and it was blessed by Bishop Mark. We are delighted that not only our pupils at St Luke’s will benefit Read more…

Reception – Stickman

This week, Reception were reading Stickman – we love Julia Donaldson stories and are so good at remembering the jobs of Authors and Illustrators, and what a title and blurb are. While reading stickman, we looked at the different seasons that we might see throughout the story and recognised signs Read more…

Blackstone Edge Elevation

A group of children from Year 6 were invited by Breaking Barriers to embark upon an immersive journey along the scenic route along Blackstone Edge called Elevation. The children experienced a creative tour across the lands of Blackstone Edge, whilst listening to the Mother of the Moorlands through a set Read more…