MAF fun day

We had such a fun morning for the MAF fun day. To begin the day we had an assembly to remind us of the amazing charity work they do to support people who live in isolated places to provide water, food, clothes, toys, medical supplies and so much more. Afterwards Read more…


Yesterday we had a really exciting day! It was our final day in partnership with the MAF charity. During our fun day we took part in a prayer zone challenge, completed a prayer for a country that MAF helps in and also had the chance to sit in a MAF Read more…

MAF Fun Day

Everyone enjoyed celebrating our partnership with MAF today for our MAF fun day. MAF are a Christian charity who send planes to isolated places around the world to people in need. The children found out more about the charity today and took part in a range of activities. The children Read more…

MAF Fun Day

Year 6 have been taking part in the MAF Fun Day. We have looked at creating bible stories for a prayer garden, prayeroplanes to represent the work MAF carry out across the globe and a crate challenge, where we tried to use items inside as clues to discover the work Read more…

Forest Church

Today we had a fantastic first forest church session with Reverend Kirsty and Reverend Kirsten. The session was after school and parents joined in too. The children and their families explored the area looking for things that reminded them of their life journey. Everyone then created some fabulous artwork. One Read more…

Pilgrim Pathways

Over the past couple of weeks, Year 4 have been lucky enough to have visits from two teachers from St Ann’s academy. During our sessions, we have been learning through a sequence of lessons called the Way-Maker. Each week we focus on a different aspect of Jesus’ life and how Read more…

Random Acts Of Kindness 2024

Just before half-term, the whole school celebrated Random Acts of Kindness day by completing an activity that showed kindness to others. Y6 Roman- Put posters around school with positive messages Y6 Sycamore- Cake decorating for other people. Y5 Birch- Went litter picking in the local area Y4 Maple- Collected for Read more…