Breakfast & After school club
Water Cycles
Our unit in English this half term is factual guided tours. The first tour we are going to write about is water around the world. For one of our experience days we learnt about the water cycle and created our own mini water cycles.
Art & Design
Soap Sculptures
During this weeks Art lesson we have been designing and carving soap sculptures. We used a variety of tools – some to carve off small pieces of soap and others to create the detailing on our sculpture. They look amazing!
Art & Design
From 2D to 3D
In today’s art lesson we learnt about a Kenyan artist called Magdalene Odundo who creates ceramic pots. As a class we explored how we can use our arm to draw big shapes and how when we draw in 2D, we can used curved lines to create the look of three Read more…
Science investigation
Our new Science topic for this half term is light. Today we started off the new topic with an investigation – Compare a range of materials to find out which will let light pass through. We discussed what we needed to do to ensure that the investigation was a fair Read more…
Hour of Code
This week it is ‘Hour of Code’. We completed a coding lesson during our computing time where we practised our basic coding skills.
Thesaurus work
In our English lesson this morning, we used the Thesaurus’ to find alternative verbs that we could use in our poems that we are currently writing.
Religious Education
Christingle Service
Year 3 and Year 4 walked up to St Luke’s church this morning for our Christingle service. We spoke about the history of Christingle’s and sang some songs to everybody who came to watch. We finished with ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ which we sang but also signed.
Religious Education
This morning we have made our Christingles ready for the service at Church tomorrow. We learnt about the different parts of a Christingle and what they represent: Orange – the world Red ribbon – Jesus’ blood Cocktail sticks – the four compass directions and the four seasons Sweets – the Read more…
Physical Education
Super Swimmers!
Year 4 Maple currently go to Heywood Sports Village every Monday afternoon for their swimming lesson. They are all doing really well and making lots of progress. Here are some of them with their most recent certificates of achievement and are ready to progress onto the next stage.