Nature hunt for RE

Today in RE, we discussed how Christians believe that God created the world and all of the fantastic things you can find in nature. We went down to our forest school area and carried out a nature hunt. We talked about which amazing nature find was our favourite and why.

British Afternoon Tea

This week we have been learning about Britain. This afternoon, we decided to celebrate by holding a British afternoon tea party with all of the children in Reception. We had finger sandwiches, chocolate chip muffins and scones with jam. We waved union jacks and listened to the national anthem.

Street Party

This week on our last week of around the world, we have learnt all about a England, we have talked about London landmarks, looked at the countries of the UK and discussed the food we eat and our climate. Today we finished our topic with a great British street party, Read more…

World Book Day

Snowdrops looked amazing today for World Book Day! We had lots of children who dressed up as different careers such as fire fighters, police officers, palaeontologists, astronauts, builders etc. We talked about the different careers and how these people help us.

Pancake Day

On Tuesday we celebrated Pancake Day. We discussed the significance of Pancake Day on the lead up to lent. We tried lots of different toppings and decided which one was our favourite. The chocolate spread was a clear winner. Yummy!

Happy Chinese New Year

Last week, Reception enjoyed a week of learning all about Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of the Great Race, where we found out about the animals that the years are named after – this year is the year of the dragon. We made Chinese lanterns, paperchain dragons Read more…