Being My Best

This week we have been talking about ‘being my best’ in our SCARF lessons. We read a story where a girl called Ruby was going to give up. So we all thought of some nice messages to encourage her to keep trying and not to give up. Everyone then acted Read more…

World Book Day

We have all enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. We have been very busy reading lots of stories together, designing our own book covers and creating a bookmark. Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes!

Keeping Safe Online

This week we have been learning about being safe online. We have discussed when we should use our iPads, mobile phones and computers. Then we discussed what we should do if something happened while we were using it. Jessie and her friends, taught us a song to help us. We Read more…

People Who Help Us

This week we are learning about people who help us. We have been learning about people such as doctors, nurses, fire fighters, vets and police officers. This afternoon, we have carefully planned and thought about a vehicle they might need. For example ambulances, police cars, fire engines etc. Everyone has Read more…

Mathematical Language

This week in Maths we have been learning about positional and directional language. We started by using our observational skills to find the differences between pictures and objects. Everyone then worked together to find teddies in the classroom. We found the teddies and then told our friends where we found Read more…

Smoothie Tasting

This week we have been learning about being healthy eating. We have researched and discussed foods which are healthy and unhealthy for us. We need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables to keep our bodies healthy. So this afternoon we have been taste testing smoothies. We carefully read all Read more…

Jesus Calms the Storm

This week we have been learning about the Bible story ‘Jesus Calms the a storm.’ Today, our forest school session was linked to this Bible story. We worked together to recap the story and then we discussed the importance of shelters and how they protect us. The children put our Read more…