Remembrance Day Y5

Today, we recognised Remembrance Day. We watched Year 6 do a fantastic assembly via teams in our classroom, took part in the 2 minute silence and created some beautiful art work. We created silhouettes by shading the back of a printed silhouette and pushing the pencil into our art work Read more…

London skyline artwork

Year 6 have been looking Arvada amours landmarks across London which were targeted or damaged during the Blitz. We looked out how cityscapes take the landmarks and place them side by side to create a silhouette of a city. We then looked at how to paint clean water onto paper Read more…

Firework Art!

On Thursday 5th November, we had a lesson on Bonfire Night! We learnt about the history behind Bonfire Night and why it is so important to be safe around fireworks and sparklers. After we discussed ways we could stay safe, we made beautiful pieces of firework art using chalk and Read more…

Stonehenge art

This week we have started on our new topic about the Stone Age. We have started reading the Stone Age boy and have started writing our own Stone Age adventure story. In the afternoons, we have been creating art work for the front of our Topic books. Here are some Read more…

🌏 Planets 🌏

This week, Year 5 have made an excellent start to their new topic ‘Stargazers’ by learning about the planets. We began by creating art work for the front covers of our books, then we learnt the names of the planets and the order from the sun. We created mnemonics to Read more…