Game Creators

In computing this half-term, Year 5 have been creating their own games. They have analysed  other games, designed settings and themes, designed characters, changed animations and sounds that their character makes, written instructions and evaluated their peers’ games to help future designs. We are really impressed with their completed games! Read more…

🌻Seeds of hope🌻

This week the children completed postcards of hope. They coloured in the front of the cards and wrote messages of hope on the back. These were given to us from Morrisons, who will be distributing them with home deliveries and to various places such as Old people’s home. Morrisons also Read more…

Growing up

In Year 5, we have been learning about what happens to our body as we get older. Last week we learnt about how we change from childhood to early adulthood through puberty, and how puberty occurs in animals too. This week we looked at changes from early adulthood to old Read more…

Red Nose Day

Today St Luke’s celebrated Red Nose Day. Children came to School in their own clothes with crazy hair to raise money for Comic Relief. They all looked fantastic. The children also completed Red Nose Day activities and had some well-being time in class, focussing on laughter. Thank you to everyone Read more…

World book day in Year 5

Today was World Book Day at St Luke’s. From Cindy Lou to Aliens where underpants to King Henry VIII (a perfect fit for our theme ‘Off With Her Head’), the children all looked fantastic. Year 5 have taken part in lots of Book Day activities including online workshops with authors Read more…