This half term Year 4 Maple are learning all about different types of rocks and fossils and today we used chocolate to help us remember the rock cycle. We used different types of chocolate (milk, white and dark) to represent the different layers in sedimentary rock. We then applied heat and pressure to the chocolate and watched as it began to go though metamorphosis and turn into metamorphic rock. We left our melted chocolate to cool and solidify and turn into igneous rock. At the end we discussed how, due to weather and erosion, the cycle would start all over again. The children really enjoyed the practical approach to the lesson and used wonderful scientific language.

At the beginning of the lesson we also discussed what we had learnt about fossils and decided to make our own using bread and haribo sweets. We layered pieces of bread for our sedimentary rock and placed haribo sweets inside to represent animals. We put our bread under some heavy books and left them as them began to compact together. Later we removed the haribos and were left with our very own fossils.

Of course the best part of the lesson was the end…. eating the chocolate and sweets 🙂

Categories: ScienceYear 4 - Maple


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