Investigating multiples outside

We took our Power Maths lesson outside today! Using the number square on the playground, Year 5 answered lots of questions regarding multiples and sorted themselves into different groups. They used their reasoning skills to explain some true and false statements, using the number square to help with their explanations.

Outdoor Maths

This morning the children have learnt all about perimeter. We used metre sticks, tape measures and trundle wheels to measure the distance around the shapes we had drawn on the playground.  

Maths fun!

We had a lovely morning in Maths! We just started ‘subtraction’ and used every day word problems to solve the calculations. For example, Mrs Nuttall had 10 bananas and she ate 2. How many did she have left? Putting the calculations into real life problems help the children to understand Read more…

Useful websites

Last year at Parents Evening, quite a few parents asked for useful links to help with their child’s learning, particularly for Phonics and Maths.   I have copied and pasted a number of websites we use regularly at school to support your child’s learning. I hope these are helpful 🙂 Read more…

One more and one less

We have been practising one more and one less and started by making numbers with cubes. Some of us went outdoors to use our 100 square to JUMP as high as we could to the next number.   We had lots of fun and love learning outdoors!