Allotment visit

Year 5 have been working hard on our allotment topic. In school, we studied maps of the local area to find our local allotments. Today, we visited the Cherwell Centre Farm and Gardens. We enjoyed seeing all the animals and we have planted some onion and garlic, which we look Read more…

RE outdoors!

This afternoon, Year 5 had a very thought provoking RE lesson in Kaden’s garden. First the children were asked to find something that is beautiful. We had a range of beautiful things collected: flowers, leaves, rocks, shells, fruit, vegetables, spiders and baby snails. The children then presented what they found, Read more…

Our class novel

Year 5 read reviews on various novels and then had a vote to determine which would be our class novel. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was the winner and we have enjoyed reading the first two chapters. We discussed how we don’t think Harry is being treated fairly at Read more…

Art Week

This week we have studied two artistic movements. First we looked at Pop art and created our own versions using the Arc De Triumphe. Then we studied Impressionism and the work of Henri Matisse and created portraits in a similar style. We thought carefully about tint, tone, shade and hue Read more…