Cosmic Reading

Year 5 have enjoyed getting into our new book ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce. We have just read up to the part where Liam is on a flight to China with his friend Florida after winning a competition. We have made predictions about what we think will happen next and Read more…

Coding in Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 worked hard to complete a coding challenge. We discussed what an algorithm is and created our own on 2code. We used our coding skills to design a under the sea scene and create moving parts.

Science investigations

This morning Year 5 were lucky enough to have a visitor come in to class to carry out some exciting investigations. We learnt how to be safe with lots of different materials and completed challenges to sort and observe the materials.  

Solar system research

This afternoon Year 5 worked hard researching the solar system. We used the laptops to find out information about different planets. We discovered lots of information including the size of the planets, the distance from the sun and whether they were Jovian or terrestrial. The children worked in pairs to Read more…

Music assembly

Wow Rochdale music services what an amazing assembly, thank you so much! The children thoroughly enjoyed you coming in and were really keen to answer questions about the instruments you were playing and talk about them. You have inspired a lot of children to continue to play their instruments or Read more…

Year 5 Pollination

This afternoon, we enjoyed carrying out a practical activity to demonstrate how plants are pollinated by insects. First the children drew a brightly coloured flower to attract insects. I then gave each child some nectar (cheese puffs). The class were transformed into bees and ate the delicious nectar. Whilst eating Read more…

3D modelling in Year 5

In computing this week, we enjoyed exploring 2 design and make software. We practised using different tools to create 3D houses and vehicles. Next week, we will use these skills to create our final product of food packaging, which links to our topic.