Today we have been learning about how and why Christian’s use music in worship. We looked at how Christian’s used music in different places and compared it with when we use it in school at our collective worship. Then, we listened to different traditional pieces of music that people use to worship and thought about what moods and emotions go with the music. We then studied the words of the hymn ‘Here I am to worship’ and listened to it in detail and discussed what the words meant. Lastly, we created posters titled ‘music in Christian worship’ which included drawings about the different types of worship, information about why Christian’s worship, quotes from the bible as well as similarities and differences between types of worshipping with music.
Anti- Bullying Ambassadors
Anti-Bullying Week
This week across school we have been taking part in Anti-Bullying Week. Juniper, along with other year groups, were able to attend a special assembly put together by the anti-bullying ambassadors at St Luke’s all Read more…