This morning, Year 5 have had an amazing time participating in an exciting science workshop. Our visitor from Urenco, provided children with the opportunity to investigate sorting materials by conducting various experiments. Year 5 were able to gain a deeper understanding of working scientifically, safely and methodically to achieve their results. Children were able to scientifically investigate:
- Separating salt, lentils and paste using a sieve.
- Observing ‘identical’ substances to look for subtle differences.
- Sorting these substances into acid, alkali or neutral using an indicator.
- Separating pigments in ink using chromatography.
- Separating lettuce and water using a salad spinner (a centrifuge) and comparing this with the use of an actual centrifuge to separate out salad cream.
Well done Year 5 for your excellent participation and enthusiasm. Martin from Urenco was very impressed!