This week across school we have been taking part in Anti-Bullying Week. Juniper, along with other year groups, were able to attend a special assembly put together by the anti-bullying ambassadors at St Luke’s all around the focus for this year – choose respect. In class, we discussed respect and different ways in which we can show it to one another, both in person and online. We also carried out various activities including role playing different scenarios where the children had to choose to act out the ‘good outcome’ or the ‘bad outcome’. We also discussed the importance of wearing our odd socks, what they represent, and how being unique is amazing – the class even linked this to our protected characteristics! Juniper then went on to design their own sock to show this years theme.
Careers Related Learning
Y1 World Book Day- Raising Aspirations
This week St Luke’s celebrated world book day and careers week, with the theme of ‘raising aspirations’. The children have learnt about a number of careers through videos and books, including the ‘Little People Big Read more…