Year 2 forest school

This week Year 2 Ash combined their science topic about habitats with our forest school session. We created our very own wormery in a bottle using sand, compost, dead leaves and grass. The children collected lots of worms to put inside and then used the natural materials as well as Read more…

Ash forest school

Year 2 Ash had lots of fabulous fun learning about habitats in forest school yesterday to link with our science topic. They hunted around for our Animals of the world cards and worked in pairs to pin them onto the correct habitat. The children then worked in small groups making Read more…

Year 1 Forest School

Today Year 1 Willows had lots of fun recreating the story of Palm Sunday which they have been learning about in class. They acted it out and got very messy painting different scenes with mud. We also made Lent promises on leaves and did some exploring.

Year 2 Elm Forest School

Today in forest school Yr 2 Elm learnt about different habitats around the world and what animals live in them. They got into pairs and went hunting around to match the animals with their correct habitat. Some of the children wanted to make worm habitats and make mud pictures of Read more…

Year 2 Forest School

This week in forest school Year 2 Ash used their team work skills to build their own shelters. We definitely needed them in the rainy weather we had!! We also made winter pictures using natural materials from the forest and we always have lots of fun exploring. Z

Forest school

This week Year 3 Birch enjoyed a very wet and windy forest school session exploring and making Autumn pictures with the natural resources. We also did some acrostic poems on our Christian Value which for this half term is friendship. The children then sequenced the story of The Good Samaritan Read more…

Forest school

In forest school this week Year 3 Cedar have been learning all about The Good Samaritan by sequencing the story and then using the natural forest materials to create artwork. They had lots of fun exploring forest school even in the pouring rain!