Birch’s hour of code

This week St Luke’s is taking part in ‘Hour of code’. Year 3 began their lesson by looking at some of the vocabulary involved in coding such as output and algorithms, which they had to match the correct definitions. They then moved on to using coding to make various sea Read more…

Shahada plates

Year 3 have been learning about how different faiths view and celebrate their God. As part of this, we have been looking at the Muslim faith. Today we discussed Shahada and looked at how it is displayed on things such as wall hangings, plates and pendants in Arabic calligraphy. We Read more…

Anti-bullying week

This week St Lukes is celebrating anti-bullying week. As part of this, the children were asked to wear odd socks today to help us recognise and celebrate that we are all different and unique. Throughout the week children will be taking part in assemblies and lessons to help them understand Read more…