Today St Luke’s CE Primary received the Britain in Bloom North West award for the “School Category” and “Involving Children and Young People” category. We are so amazed and extremely thankful for all the children’s hard work! The Eco Warriors, along with children who showed the judges around in Summer 2023, accepted the award on behalf of our school. We are so glad our Eco team, our Gardening clubs, numerous lessons in the outdoors and Forest School benefits our children in a positive way. We are lucky that our efforts are having a positive impact on our school grounds too! Well done to all!
During the presentation, Mrs Farrall wanted the children of Year 6 to tell our visitors what they are wanting to change. A child from Year 6 said they did an investigation to find out how many cars there were around our school. They noticed during this investigation that some cars weren’t parked the way they should be. So year 6 have drafted a letter to parents to make them aware of the parking rules and to encourage to park further away and walk.
Our visitors were amazed at the wonderful work they had done so far and wanted to see the letters once sent out to see if they can help with the change too!