In Science last half-term, Year 1 learnt all about materials and their properties. This half-term we are using this knowledge for our new topic ‘Building things’.
To link with our careers learning, today we had a special visit from Mr Singleton. Mr Singleton is our school site manager and he also used to have a career in building. We learnt all about his responsibilities in his role and how what he did to lead him to that role. He also talked to us about his career as a builder, showed us pictures of the extension he built on his home and showed us how to build a wall.

We found out that the most important essential skills he has needed for his career in building are creativity, problem solving and staying positive. He also told us that he still has to use his art skills to design and maths skills for things like measurement.

We enjoyed his visit so much, that we put what he taught us into action in our construction areas later that day, and we went from having 2 children wanting to be builders as a career to around half the class.


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