This week we have been looking at the story β€˜Mad about Minibeasts!’ And have had so much fun investigating different minibeasts.

In forest school, we went on a minibeast hunt, checking to see if any had visited the bug hotels we had made the previous week and made our favourite minibeast from things we found on he forest floor.

We labelled lots of minibeasts while practicing our writing skills, we then made some more bug houses outside our classroom and even found some minibeasts to put in them! We then wrote some invitations to minibeasts to invite them to the hotels we had made.

Yesterday, we made some pet dragonflies, they were so colourful and beautiful, and we looked at how we could make them balance on the end of our finger, Miss Horrocks showed us that when we put paper lips onto the wings they balanced, we were very excited!

…. but, not as excited as we were about letting our butterflies free this afternoon. We wrote cards to our butterflies to say that we would miss them and we love them, we then took them to Kaden’s garden and each got to hold one and let them go free!


We can’t wait to see what next week brings….. 🐸🐸🐸




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