This week was our final forest school and we had such a lovely day.

We looked at the story ‘The King of tiny things’, about a little fairy who helps all minibeasts and creatures around the forest; he oiled a slug who had lost his slime, freed a caterpillar that was stuck under a plant pot and even made a new leg for a Daddy long legs!

We decided that we would become Kings and Queens of tiny things too; we looked for minibeasts that might need help and made woodland crowns out of items we found on the forest floor. Everybody looked amazing in their crowns and definitely like kings and queens!

To finish off our final session, we had a special campfire treat… s’mores and talked about what our favourite parts of forest school had been.

It was so lovely to hear so many children say that they had loved everything they had done in forest school, they enjoyed it nearly as much as Miss Horrocks and Miss King!


We would like to thank all of the children for their fantastic work in forest school and for getting so involved, we can’t wait to do more sessions in Year 1! 🌲🌳




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