This week, during RE, Year 6 have looked at two texts from the Bible (The Good Samaritan and The Crucifixion). Then, they discussed what kind of values were shown in the two texts and the purpose behind them. The children focused on Christian Values but also discussed how Jesus was ‘showing us a path’ in many of his parables.
The children the discussed and explored other Bible stories where Jesus shown other values. The children read the different Bible stories as a group before discussing. As a group they explored how Christianity has many values and Christians live by these: love, forgiveness, peace, patience, trust, honesty and friendship.
The children then produced their own value tree. We discussed how Jesus often compared actions to fruits. The roots are down inside us, hidden thoughts and intentions, but what you do shows what you value. The children created an image of a tree,
showing its roots, trunk, branches, and carrying fruits as well. The fruits were symbols of the Christian Values they treasured and followed most.