French Fridays

We have started to do French Fridays on each Friday afternoon to start to learn about France and pick up some French language. We answer the register in French by saying ‘Bonjour’ to our teacher and have been learning some French number songs. We like the song head, shoulders , Read more…

Bees 🐝

This afternoon, Reception have been learning about bees. They have been learning about the life cycle of bees and finding out some interesting facts! We have then made eco friendly bees out of recycled materials.

Bug Hunt 🕷 🐛 🐜

Reception went on a bug hunt this afternoon and searched in Kaden’s garden to find some. We found worms, slugs, wasps, flies and one bug we didn’t recognise. When returning back to class we found out it was called a harlequin ladybird. We enjoyed learning about the different bugs and Read more…

Reception’s Assembly

We performed our assembly today in front of our parents, KS1 and KS2 and retold the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. We all had a special role in our performance which included dancing, singing and narrating. We have worked hard to learn all our songs and learn our lines, some Read more…

Smoothie Making

In Reception we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The Caterpillar starts off eating lots and lots of fruit and is very healthy. We wanted to use the fruit and create our own smoothies. Miss Robinson had some helpers to put the fruit inside the blender and Read more…

The Hungry Caterpillar

This week Reception have been learning about the story, ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. We have been reading the story and learning lots about it. In maths, we have been making caterpillars with repeating patterns. We found it a little bit tricky at first but we kept practising and now we can Read more…

Sir Undercracker

On Friday afternoon, Anna Lucas came in to our school to read us her new book: “Sir Undercracker”. We all really enjoyed her reading us her story and we found it very funny! She taught us lots of new words and we were all able to act them out. Thank Read more…

Building work

We went outside to observe the building work for the new classrooms. We enjoyed looking at the different vehicles and watched them dig up the ground. We discussed what might happen in the next few weeks on the building site.   Reception are excited to see field change into the Read more…

Dinosaur School

We had two visitors in our classroom to lead our dinosaur school lesson, Dina the headteacher and Wally. We looked at our class rules and talked about taking turns. We rolled the ball around the circle and had to wait for our turn. We shared something with the class and Read more…