
In geography this week, we have been learning about temperature and how we measure temperature. We looked at different thermometers before spending time using digital thermometers to test the temperature in different areas. The children have enjoyed using the thermometers independently during COOL time too.  

Constructing Windmills

In year 1 this half term we have been learning about structures and exploring how they can be made stronger and more stable. We have been using tools, equipment and different  materials to construct a windmill structure. Children have been developing skills such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing during Read more…

Builder Visitor

In Science last half-term, Year 1 learnt all about materials and their properties. This half-term we are using this knowledge for our new topic ‘Building things’. To link with our careers learning, today we had a special visit from Mr Singleton. Mr Singleton is our school site manager and he Read more…

The 3 Little Pigs

In English this half-term, we have been re-writing ‘The 3 Little Pigs.’ Each day we have focussed on improving adjectives and verbs within the story, as well as structuring our sentences well. The children have also used COOL time to explore the story further by reading the book, drawing and Read more…

Computing- Basic skills

Since starting Year 1, the children have been learning basic skills for computing. We began by finding out what technology is and doing a technology hunt, then found out a bit more about online safety before we started using the computers and learnt how to log in to purple mash Read more…

en English