Computing- Basic skills

Since starting Year 1, the children have been learning basic skills for computing. We began by finding out what technology is and doing a technology hunt, then found out a bit more about online safety before we started using the computers and learnt how to log in to purple mash Read more…


In Science, Year 1 have been learning about materials and their properties. We have really enjoyed taking part in a number of experiments, including finding out if various materials are transparent, translucent or opaque, if materials float or sink and if materials are waterproof or absorbent. The children made some Read more…

Weather reporter

In Geography this half-term, Year 1 have been learning about weather patterns. This week we talked about meteorologists and how these scientists study weather patterns. We then became weather reporters, using our knowledge of weather as well as the vocabulary, North, South, Inland and Coastal, to present our own weather Read more…

en English