Constructing Windmills

In year 1 this half term we have been learning about structures and exploring how they can be made stronger and more stable. We have been using tools, equipment and different  materials to construct a windmill structure. Children have been developing skills such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing during Read more…

Craft- Weaving

During this half-term, Year 1 have been learning the craft of weaving. We have learnt: wrapping, warp and weft, tying knots and plaiting. The children then added all their crafts to their individual loom boxes.

Position and direction

This week, Year 1 began a new maths unit ‘Position and direction’. Our first lessons were on full, half and quarter turns, and left and right. To improve our understanding, we headed outside for some practical lessons. We practised different turns with partners using objects and areas of the playground. Read more…

Easter in Year 1🐣

We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this week. We have learnt all about Easter traditions and why Christians celebrate Easter, made Easter cards, made Easter cakes and had our 500 dojo reward afternoon- watching a film and eating treats. Wishing you all a fantastic Easter!