Bedtime Reading Star

In Willows we have a lovely opportunity for you and your child to sit back, relax and have a lovely hot chocolate each whilst enjoying a book or two at bedtime.   Each week we will choose someone that has shown perseverance, hard work and has been an asset to Read more…

One more and one less

We have been practising one more and one less and started by making numbers with cubes. Some of us went outdoors to use our 100 square to JUMP as high as we could to the next number.   We had lots of fun and love learning outdoors!

Willows are having fun!

We have had lots of fun this week, getting to know the lovely children of Willows. They have wonderful manners and are very well behaved! We have already learnt a lot about the children of Willows and we can’t wait for the year ahead.   We have been counting amounts Read more…

en English