Year 3 looked at what makes The Holy Bible so special and how it is divided up into different chapters, verses, books and arranged into two testaments. We explored big questions which included; what do Christian’s get out of reading the holy book? What do people find helpful about reading the Bible? Why do some people love the Bible? We then looked at a range of Bibles and created a quiz for Mrs Farrell with questions all about the Holy Bible. The class were very impressed with all of her fantastic answers to their questions.
Lastly, we played a quick game of higher or lower to see how many copies of the Bibles had been sold around the world compared with some of the most famous books ever sold.
Ethos Council
Ethos Team- Decorating a xmas tree at St Luke’s Church
The Ethos team were invited to design decorations for a tree to be displayed in St Luke’s Church. The children decided that they wanted the tree to represent our school using our Christian values, the Read more…