For the last 2 weeks, in History, we have been learning about Queen Elizabeth II and her coronation. We have been amazing at remembering facts and recalling them when quizzed by Miss Horrocks… you could even test us at home! Here are some questions we were asked:

  • How old was The Queen when she got married?
  • How old was she when she became Queen?
  • How many children does she have? And what are their names?
  • How many grandchildren does she have?

We have looked at pictures from The Queen’s coronation and discussed timelines of events that have taken place since the Queen’s coronation.

Today, we had our own coronation, we made crowns and became Kings and Queens of Oak’s classroom… Miss Horrocks wasn’t so sure it was such a good idea when we told her we are now all bosses!


Categories: HistoryYear 1 Oaks


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