Yesterday, reception children spent the day in their new Year 1 classes. We had a lovely day! After spending a little time chatting and getting to know each other, we began by reading the story ‘The cautious Caterpillar’, which is all about a caterpillar who doesn’t want to become a butterfly. We talked about how sometimes change can be scary but once we embrace it we can really enjoy it and we learn lots of new things. We talked about the similarity to moving from Reception to Year 1.
We then based lots of activities around the story, such as butterfly writing about ourselves, butterfly yoga, making caterpillar bracelets, colouring wings (to add to our photo in the classroom) and decorating butterfly biscuits. We also decorated a plant pot and planted a seed to watch it grow and change over the Summer, just like us.

Miss Lomax, Mrs Asif and all the Year 1 staff are very excited for September!



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