Today, Year 5 Juniper have carried out a Wellbeing Workshop. The children were able to spend time in The Rush Room with staff from their class and a lady called Jenny who led the workshop on wellbeing. The children were able to discuss what worries are, and learnt all about fight, flight, freeze and flop. The children carried out lots of different activities throughout their session including a ‘Spot the Difference’ activity to show how photographs can be edited on social media, watching a video that had been posted online but showed the reality of how it was a fake video to show that things are not always as they appear, and also work with a picture from social media surrounded by negative comments. This led into having a discussion about feelings and what they would say or do in this situation. The children had this conversation in a circle whilst passing a ball of wool to each speaker to reveal a ‘tangled web’ of feelings and emotions that the girl in the photograph may feel. The children really enjoyed their session today focussed on wellbeing.
After school club
Rush Room opening
On Friday 13th December, we officially opened our outdoor classroom. We have named it ‘The Rush Room’ in memory of our Governor; Councillor Peter Rush. Peter’s family attended the opening and it was blessed by Read more…