Wow, What a lovely week we have had!

This week we were reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and did lots of activities surrounding the story.

We painted rocks to make them look like ladybirds, made farms and maps and did some Maths sorting activities in the classroom.

In the story some of the characters use a map so we decided to focus on maps throughout the week; we practised using directions and learning our left and right by doing the okie cokie; we made our own maps; we used google maps to look at our houses and show our route to school and at the end of the week we used a map to do a treasure hunt!

A map had been left in the classroom to lead us to some treasure, we had to follow the red lines to the X. The treasure was some biscuits, which we enjoyed in Kaden’s garden. With the treasure there was a letter from the character of the story we will be looking at next week, we had to use the clues to guess who the character was… it was the gruffalo, we are very excited to read the story next week!!



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