On the last week before half-term, the whole school took part in finance week. Year 1 were very lucky to have two special visitors from two different banks, who were able to tell us all about their careers and what banks are for. They also helped us with our task for the morning. To begin, the children spent time in groups working with an adult to explore and learn how to recognise coins. We then learnt about budgeting and how this helps businesses to make a profit. In our groups we created our own smoothie business. After being given a budget, we worked together to decide how we would spend that on ingredients and equipment and had to use our addition and subtraction skills to ensure we had enough money. Our group supporting adult then acted as the shop keeper and each child had to buy one of their items. The children had to work out which coins to give them and if they needed change. All the adults, including our visitors, were surprised at how well the children did with such a grown up challenge.


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