Let it grow

Year 5 will be recording the growth of Carrots, raddishs and spring onions in our science lessons. We haw changed some of the variables to see if plants need more water, light or warmth to grow. Here are some pictures of what we did.

Medieval Medicine

Oh no! Miss Smith has caught the plague. It’s up to year 5 to save her. We experimented with different medicines from medieval times to try and conquer the nasty yersinia pestis (the bacteria that causes the plague) here are pictures of our experiment.

Mars insight landing

A reminder for Year 5 students. The Mars insight landing takes place at 7.12pm. Come and join the rest of the world watching the insight landing on mars. Watch live at – https://youtu.be/KjNeX55MSww      

Solar sizes

In science, we have been learning about the colassal sizes of the solar system. We scaled down the solar system sizes to recreate the solar system. Dividing by 1,000,000,000 is trickier than it looks.